Friday, July 28, 2023

A final Goodbye to all my Puzzle Friends

 Puzzle Retirement

I thought I might give everyone that follows me here a final salute and goodbye as I approach my golden years.

Puzzle making, buying, trading and selling has been part of my life for well over 20 years now and I’d like to thank everyone that I’ve interacted with throughout that time.

The generosity within the puzzle community knows no bounds and I would especially like to thank:

Stewart Coffin and Bill Cutler whose incredible designs inspired me to making puzzles in the early 2000’s, I can remember first contacting them by email with such trepidation and so surprised how they were so forthcoming.

Tom Lensch was a great help in aiding with my puzzle making, his skills still intimidate me to this day.

Jerry McFarland is the burr king and I never hesitated to reach out to him for burr pieces that I used in many puzzle runs.

Eric Fuller (sadly now passed) eagerly accepted me into Cubicdissection were I met and became friends with Robert Yarger, Mark McCallum and Scott Peterson.

Of course I’d also like to thank all of the countless collectors that I befriended along the way, the list would just go on forever.  Suffice to say they know who they are all around the globe.

As I venture into the next phase of my life..Happy Puzzling everyone.  If you’re interested in acquiring some of the puzzles I have listed in Paradise, be sure to drop by and grab a puzzle or two, John Devost - Canuck