Monday, April 26, 2021

Pillar - Alexander Magyarics by Wood Wonders

Kevin blogged about it:

The aim (as with many of Alexander's creations) is to pack the 4 easy pieces into the box through the rather limited opening and also have the opening completely filled with no gap. I picked this one up immediately after my success with Ennui and was sure that I would solve this fairly quickly and rack up a puzzle to write about on the next blog. So I thought that this would be quick? I never seem to learn do I? This puzzle should not be that difficult but it took me 4 evenings of toil and swearing at myself to solve it. Initially I couldn't even find a 3x3 shape that would fill the holes and then none of them had piece orientations that could fit through the holes. Yes, the genius of this is that 2 of the pieces have a very limited number of ways they can fit in through the top and then, due to the 3 unit length of all of the pieces, it is really tough to find a way to get them to move around each other.

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzle offerings!

"I have been wanting to make this one ever since Alex sent me the design. He has just been producing so many cool designs lately, it took me a while to get around to it. Pillar is four pieces that must be inserted into the unique box and they fill the openings completely.

I had acquired some very nice holly and wanted to set off the face of this box with it. The woods used for this box are especially nice. I really love the Pistachio wood. I managed to sang a few small pieces when my wood supplier posted them for sale. It is very expensive but I got enough to make a few boxes. The Chakta Viga is rather vivid too!"

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