Thursday, April 29, 2021

Rib - Andrew Crowell by Wood Wonders

Wow, this puzzle is a beast!  I received this puzzle disassembled and it was driving me crazy not seeing it solved but sadly I'm hardly a proficient puzzle solver so I enlisted the help of the designer Andrew Crowell who was kind enough to send me help!

Please go visit Andrew's Etsy Shop arcWoodPuzzles to see all that he has to offer!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzle offerings!

"This RIB has some very simple pieces but still throws in a few rotations with 33 moves!  There are some really great color combinations here. Not only do you get a great challenge but some really nice eye candy too!"

Chatka Viga and Holly with Wenge Splines

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