Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Midi - Laszlo Molnar by Wood Wonders

This puzzle design is quite clever, as usual these type of restrictive opening puzzles are quite easy assembling outside the box however once you try to place what you think is the correct assembly inside, well that's when the fun (or agony) begins!  Took me a couple of days of on and off again attempts to finally solve this one!  As it turns out my first assembly was correct but lacking what seemed like a way of inserting the pieces, I was forced to try and find an alternate assembly, and ended up finding a third but that one required pieces to be placed in an impossible orientation.  All in all a very nice puzzle indeed, and one you should pick up from Wood Wonders should they be available in an upcoming release!

Note: please see bottom pic for a view of what appears to be Brian's new logo, it's a really nice touch!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzles!



"Ahhhh, it's nice to be offering one of Laszlo's packing puzzles again. After the popularity of Hat Trick, I am certain there will be several more batches of this in my future! 

This is a very clever adaptation of Hajime Katsumoto's Half Lid Box. Laszlo was truly inspired by his clever design and came up with a really nice variation. Once again, I gave up after several days of frustration and asked Laszlo for the solution. And wow, I was surprised by the simple elegance of the solution. I lost rack of the moves after about 15 or more but let's just say this is typically Laszlo!

Moves: I lost track, but about 15+ with rotations"

Olivewood/Makore Box with Sipo pieces


Canarywood/Paduak Box with Movingui pieces


Curly Maple/Brazillian Ebony Box with Anigre pieces

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