Wednesday, June 2, 2021

BURR IN CUBE #1 - Jürg van Känel by 'Interlocking Puzzles' - Wayne Daniel

This puzzle is very well crafted by 'Interlocking Puzzles' back in 2000.  The quality of craftsmanship is really second to none.  I've personally had many puzzles from 'Interlocking Puzzles' from this era and they truly are outstanding!

Jürg wrote this:

"If we look at regular 6-piece burrs, it can easily be seen that they can be enclosed in a cube.  I was interested in the question 'What is the highest level of a six-piece burr puzzle which has a unique solution outside the cube and can also be assembled inside the cube?'.

Unfortunately for notchable burrs the answer is none.  However, there are a few notchable burrs which are level 4 and unique when assembled inside a cube, but they are lower level and not unique when assembled outside.

'Burr in a Cube #1' is the level 4 notchable six-piece burr with the least number of internal voids."

This puzzle wasJürg van Känel IPP Entry in the 2001 Design Competition 

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