Friday, August 20, 2021

Soma 7-8 - Lucie Pauwels by Mathew Nedeljko

This puzzle is the first I have from Mat, his work is absolutely perfect in fit and finish, if you haven’t been to his site I strongly urge you to head on over to see what’s available!

After having tried several different ‘Modified’ Soma designs I was anxious to give this one a go.

Nedeljko WoodWorks

“This is another Lucie Pauwels variation of the classic Soma Cube. Instead of  the traditional 7 pieces, there are now 8 which will only form the 3x assembly with one unique solution. Crafted from exotic Chakte Viga, finished in lacquer and waxed, this is a gorgeous wood. Significantly more difficult than  Lucie’s related design Soma 6-7”

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