Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Bouquet - Christoph Lohe by Brian Menold at Wood Wonders

This puzzle has been on my radar for quite some time due to its likeness to my Barb’s Cube!

Now of course this clever design is disguised as a simple looking puzzle but it’s high move count tells a different story.

Special puzzle friend Tanner of WDIGMI YouTube fame somehow sent me a copy recently and what’s curious about that is he had no prior knowledge that I was looking for a copy!

Thanks Brother!

Here's what Brian said:  Please visit Wood Wonders to stay informed of his wonderful puzzles!

“When Chris first sent me this idea a while back, I knew I wanted to make it. He was still finalizing the design but I thought it was a cool looking puzzle as well as a nice level. The moves of should keep you busy for a while.”

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