Thursday, July 28, 2022

Rik’s Egg Balance - Rik van Grol IPP 30

This clever little dexterity puzzle was designed by Rik for the IPP in Osaka and Hakone, Japan in 2010.

Here’s instructions from Rik:

“Standing the egg on its tip is a weight balance problem.  If you can’t get it to stand on its tip, you probably didn’t solve the puzzle yet…”

Brian Pletcher wrote:

“The goal of this puzzle is pretty classic: to get the egg to balance on its short end. This type of puzzle has been done a number of times and as Rob Stegmann notes, the U.S. Patent Office devotes an entire sub-class to "Balancing Ovoids" (ccl/273/154). This one is made out of plywood that has been laser cut and glued together.” 

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