Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Self Titled by Tito

I received a gift of this wonderful puzzle from Tito that he not only designed but crafted into a packing puzzle that is surprisingly difficult!

This clever design started as an assembly puzzle with two solutions so it was later tweaked to a packing puzzle with a unique solution!

Here’s Tito’s description:

"Self Titled is a restricted packing puzzle with a unique solution that originated from my efforts to teach myself Burr Tools.  My initial goal was to make a 3x3 cube assembly with one solution, using pieces that looked like the letters in my nickname, Tito.  I was able to create this, but it used redundant pieces and was quite bland, so I attempted to find a 4x3 brick with the same criteria.   I then found a configuration of 8 different pieces that formed a solid brick, but there were two solutions.  I sent a prototype of "Tito's Brick" to John Devost, who seemed to enjoy the design and encouraged me to craft a finished version enclosed in a box.  As a budding woodworker I took this opportunity to learn some basic woodworking skills to create a nicer hardwood version, but I was still unhappy with it having more than one solution.  After some thought and experimentation with adding restrictions to the box, Self Titled was born."

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