Friday, August 19, 2022

Japanese Wood Joint Burr Puzzle - Frans de Vreugd by Tom Lensch

Frans used this design as an exchange puzzle at the 19th International Puzzle Party (IPP19), held in London in 1999, with copies made by Wayne Daniel.

The puzzle consists of six notched pieces which must be joined together in burr fashion. This copy appears to be from a run that Tom made after the IPP (note bottom photo that I gleaned from the internet).

Eric Fuller recently made copies using a different joint and here’s his description from CubicDissection:

“Japanese Wood Joint Burr was designed by Frans de Vreugd for the London IPP in 1999. Originally crafted in very small quantities by Wayne Daniel, Frans considers it one of his nicest designs. This burr is uniquely difficult in both concept and operation.”

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