Sunday, October 9, 2022

Skof by Lucie Pauwels


I recently got this puzzle as a gift and it’s another awesome design by Lucie.

This time it’s essentially a drawer that you need yo pack in it’s 8x8 unit compartment, the cool part is the sliding aspect of the drawer that must be slid from side to side to accommodate the pieces.

This one took me a while to first assemble the pieces into the required assembly.  I think that there’s only one assembly so then I needed to figure out how to insert them into the drawer.

As an update to this post, my initial assembly wouldn’t work in the drawer so I then later found another assembly and it didn’t work either..after some time found a third assembly that fit perfectly, so this puzzle turned out to be quite the mind exercise!

This copy was nicely printed by Bruno.

Be sure to drop by Bruno’s Etsy Shop to see what’s available.

Here’s Lucie’s description:

“This puzzle has a special box, the inner part can move from left to right like a drawer. So the opening to put the pieces inside can be in 3 positions. Goal is to put all the pieces inside, rotations are needed.”

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