Friday, November 11, 2022

Coaster Puzzle Box by Felix Ure

This puzzle box that happens to contain these very cool hammered brass coasters and was a must get for our 27 wedding anniversary in February 2023.

I can’t even begin to describe the exquisite craftsmanship that this magnificent piece displays, unlike any other puzzle I’m afraid to leave fingerprints on it and quickly wipe them off.

This PuzzleBox will be front and center come Valentines Day!

Here’s Felix’s description:

“Originally commissioned by Steven Canfield, creator of the fantastic puzzle and cocktail blog 'Boxes and Booze', this coaster box was designed to hold a set of 4 Lunar Coasters inside a Puzzle.


When other puzzle and coaster enthusiasts heard of the project, they wanted to get in on the action, so a small batch was made, each with varying materials and finishes on the coasters.


The puzzling had to be easy enough to allow quick coaster access when needed, so it's by far the easiest puzzle we've made, but also one of the most useful.”

Be sure to check out Steve’s Blog.

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