Friday, November 4, 2022

Fan-Way Park Ball by George Miller - IPP 26 Exchange from Stan Isaacs

This is a very cool puzzle from George and Stan that is enclosed in a neat plexiglass case.  This is a very unique design that I’ve never seen before with a very interesting backstory,

Here’s the story from Stan:

“Alternative name:  ‘Fan-Wheel Hall Ball’

Adapted and modified by George Miller and Stan Isaacs from Matti Lincola's version of a Russian puzzle of unknown origin.

Pavel Curtis saw a wooden cube version of this puzzle at Edward Hordern's duing

IPP19 in London. He wrote down the design and a couple of years later, he showed it to George Miller, who made a plastic version.

Pavel thought the puzzle was from someone in Finland, so I wrote to Matti Lincola, and sure enough, he had made the version Pavel had seen at Edward's. But it wasn't Matti's design either. He saw it, or something like it, in an old Russian magazine when he visited Anatoli Kalinin's home in 1995 after IFP15. These pieces are the result of Matti's efforts to make the puzzle based on what he saw n the magazine, but he is not sure if the pieces are the same or not.

For IPP26, George and I produced the puzzle as a ball instead of a cube.”

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