Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Okto Cube - Yavuz Demirhan by Cubicdissection

Eric Fuller (Rest in Peace) has done magnificent work on this very clever design by Yavuz!

I had originally blogged about this very cool design by Yavuz, but have since decided to do an update blog with some of my photos.

Be sure to visit Cubicdissection to see all puzzle offerings:

“Another hit from the creative genius of Yavuz Demirhan. Octo cube is a six piece board burr which must be assembled within a cube construct. The cube itself is comprised of eight identical pieces which interlock around the board burr. Assembling the cube pieces in the correct sequence is extremely difficult; this is essentially two puzzles interacting to form a whole when finished. This is a very difficult puzzle! Thirty nine moves in total are required for final assembly.

Construction of this puzzle is extremely nice...we spent a lot of time on it. Each cube piece is milled from solid wood, and each board burr is precisely made with shoulders on the cross pieces for strength.”

Puzzle Pusher has an excellent blog review with many disassembly photos.

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