Monday, May 22, 2023

Set of 4 Suits of Cards Tray Puzzles - Lixy Yamada by Asobidea

I received this very nice set of tray puzzles designed by Lixy and nicely made by Asobidea.

I recently picked up this set in Paradise from ‘Puzzlotus’.

Description and goals are listed below for each.

Cards of Diamonds:

The goal for this one requires packing all the pieces into the tray to make 1 to 8 of diamonds.  The pieces can be rotated or flipped over.

Cards of Spades:

The goal for this one requires packing all the pieces into the tray to make 1 to 7 of spades.  The pieces can be rotated or flipped over.

Four of Clubs:

The goal for this one requires packing all the pieces into the tray to make 4 of clubs.  Pieces can be only be rotated but not turned over.

There are 12 challenges.

Three of Hearts:

The goal for this one requires packing all the pieces into the tray to make 3 of hearts. Pieces can be only be rotated but not turned over.

There are 12 challenges.

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