Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chicken Puzzle - Olexandre Kaplan by Cubicdissection (2020)

I’m reposting this as I had traded my previous copy and recently acquired it again in an attempt to collect ‘animal shaped’ puzzles.

This puzzle has a really cool opening move that exemplifies Eric’s puzzling genius, it’s so sad that he left us at such a young age, rest in peace Eric.

Here’s Eric’s description:

“I'm glad to be revisiting this fun design! Originally released with limited availability in 2015, the Chicken Puzzle boasts an impressive level 10 solution and a hidden surprise. The 2020 version was upgraded with an improved chicken byproduct retention system. Yellowheart and Cherry offset each other for that pleasing chicken look without all the annoying chicken poop everywhere. Or do they...?

Construction techniques used in this puzzle are unique. The Yellowheart cage is made of only six pieces; each corner wrap around was milled from solid wood. Burr internals sit flush with the outer pieces and use notched joinery, showing only uninterrupted side grain. A lot of time and effort was spent making this puzzle not only strong but aesthetically pleasing. 

76 copies made for sale, each signed and dated. This puzzle is shipped assembled.

Puzzle Mad wrote a very good blog review of this interlocking puzzle”

I also added a Box using Aromatic Cedar with Peruvian Walnut Slipfeathers.