Saturday, April 10, 2021

Multiball - Eric Fuller - Cubicdissection

 I recently acquired this puzzle box and it really is outstanding in design and craftsmanship!

Drop by Cubicdissection to pick up a copy, you can thank me later.


Allard's blog is well worth the visit!


Eric Fuller


Quartersawn Walnut and Zebrawood




130 Copies Released



MultiBall is a difficult Puzzle Box! Four stainless bearings trapped behind a window are blocking the way - how will you deal with them? Panels slide, pins drop, yet MultiBall remains stubbornly closed. Originally designed with a single solution, a second more laborious methodology was discovered after release. Learning each method is a challenge, so I left the design as-is. Can you find them both?

This batch of MultiBall was constructed with Quartersawn Walnut and Zebrawood, both very stable yet complementary choices. We added cross-grain internal panels to resist movement and notches, allowing the lid to open wider. To compensate for dry shop conditions, we cut the moving panels 0.015" undersize to allow movement in more humid conditions.

Approximately 130 copies are available. Each puzzle is signed and dated. MultiBall ships in an unsolved configuration

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