Tuesday, August 24, 2021

PentaRing - Osanori Yamamoto by Pelikan

I’ve always enjoyed Osanori designs and this one is very nicely crafted by Pelikan with Zebrawood Box and Padauk Pieces.  It is still available for purchase at Puzzlemaster  be sure to head on over and grab a copy!

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“This simply stunning puzzle from the fevered brain of Osanori-san is made with a Zebrano box and some very vibrant Padauk pieces. Here there are only three pieces to be fitted inside but they are fairly complex and there are 2 rather large holes diagonally opposite each other to be filled at the same time. That single diagonal wall on the entrance will prove very important. Initially I could find several ways to make the 3x3x3 cube but I couldn't for the life of me find an assembly that would end up with the opposite corners filled. It took me a couple of hours to find a potential assembly only to be stymied by the realisation that one of the pieces was oriented in such a way that it could not be inserted inside the box at all. Back to the drawing board. After a further few hours I realised thatI had missed an alternative cube assembly – this was easily done because the positioning of the pieces was particularly unintuitive. Having found a new shape, I had to find out whether there was a sequence that could fit it into the cube frame. Again, I struggled but just in the “nick of time” for my review – this is a wonderful challenge with a fantastic Aha! moment.”

Review YouTube video by PuzzleGuy

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