Monday, August 30, 2021

Polar Burr - Derek Bosch By Two Brass Monkeys

I’ve had a go at Derek’s Helical burr puzzles and this one is the next level from those so my chances at solving this one seems slim!

Heres’s Steve from Two Brass Monkey’s description:

“The very latest Helical Burr from the twisted mind of Derek Bosch. 

This one is the highest level four piece Helical Burr found so far. A mind blowing 36 moves to separate the puzzle into four pieces. It is definitely achievable though. Ali solved this one before we'd even put a solution together!

I (Steve) really like this one the end caps, slightly reminiscent of the icy North and South poles definitely have a lot more going on below the surface than they do peaking out from the top.

The name for this puzzle was actually suggested many years ago by Laurie Brokenshire. It is visually similar to the simpler W(h)orl(e)d Puzzle. When I showed that one to Laurie at a puzzle party and explained the name he said "you should have called it Polar Burr". Of course, he was right and, finally, we are able to use his much better naming session.   For me this is a reminder of Laurie and his amazing wit.  The puzzle world definitely misses him.

It has been printed by The Two Brass Monkeys in PLA. It's definitely a difficult puzzle.  Each one takes around 18 hours to print and we'll therefore only be releasing these in small batches.”

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