Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Espresso & Caffe Latte by Bruno

I got both of these puzzles directly from Bruno, they are nicely printed and not all that easy to solve!

These remind me of ‘Toyo’’s line of puzzles such as ‘Pack the Plums’.

Give Bruno’s Blog a follow to stay informed of his puzzle offerings.


Here’s Bruno’s Description:

“They are both packing & unpacking puzzles, taking advantage of round shapes, which give some nice possibilities of rotation moves. 

The goal is to pack all pieces in the cup (8 pieces for Espresso and 7 pieces plus a sugar cube for Caffe Latte), enjoy your drink and unpack ! The disassembling experience is nice as well.

They are of moderate difficulty, Espresso being easier (3/6) and Caffe Latte a bit more challenging (4/6).”

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