Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Slideways Burr - Ray Stanton/Akio Yamamoto by CubicDissection

This puzzle is rather tricky to assemble but doable, it’s a good puzzle to entertain your non-puzzling friends!  I’ve had many different coordinate motion type puzzles and this one is probably the simplest version but still a lot of fun!

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“Slideways by Ray Stanton and Akio Yamamoto is one of our favorite Interlocking Burrs. Three simple, identical pieces combine to form the symmetrical shape. The solution is trickier than it seems, and some struggle even after even seeing it performed in front of them. There is a tricky concept in play that must be understood; once discovered, the pieces' smooth movement is addicting. Slideways is not the most challenging puzzle, but it just may become your favorite.

Each puzzle is signed and dated.”

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