Monday, November 29, 2021

Connecting Cubes - Lucie Pauwels by Mat Nedeljko


This puzzle is a fun one, seems easy enough at the outset but once you start moving the pieces around you quickly realize that it’s gonna’ take some time to get it together!

Mat’s cuts are very accurate and smooth, so much so that upon closer examination of the pieces I couldn’t see any saw blade marks, very impressive craftsmanship indeed!

There are a couple of copies of this puzzle at Mat’s website Nedeljko WoodWorks

Here’s Mat’s Description:

“Designed by Lucie Pauwels, the objective of this puzzle is to put together a 2x2x2 cube. What could be simpler? The eight pieces of this puzzle all look very similar, but a close inspection will reveal subtle differences which make each piece unique and result in a puzzle that is difficult and highly entertaining. It is easy to get seven of the eight pieces to come together, but there is only one solution where all 8 pieces fall into place. Nicely crafted from solid Pennsylvania Black Cherry and finished in lacquer and wax.”

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