Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Triple Tango - Jerry Loo by CubicDissection

 I was surprised when I first spotted this puzzle as it’s not a type of puzzle that Eric is known for.  He certainly did a really nice job on this one and with at least 89 moves to complete you’ll be at for some time.

You can see more at Jerry Loo’s Blog.

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“I don't normally make flat puzzles, but this one by Jerry intrigued me. The goal is to switch the darker end pieces from one side to the other. Simple, right? How about no, Scott. If you do it perfectly it's 89 moves to exchange them. Good luck!

Construction of this puzzle is quite nice, with mitered corners and a groovy acrylic top that shows the starting position of the pieces. Fit is, well, flat. Plenty of room to move the pieces inside, this puzzle should have no problems in high humidity environment”

Maple, Mahogany, Walnut, Acrylic

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