Thursday, January 27, 2022

Kepler Packing Puzzle by Felix Ure

We’ll shortly after having acquired Felix’s wonderful Titan puzzle I snagged his third offering which coincidentally is a Packing puzzle that is of course my favourite genre of puzzle.

You may want to follow Felix on instagram as he frequently posts pics of his most recent projects.

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“Kepler is Felix Ure's third design and his first packing puzzle. Typical of Felix's work, the solution is elegant and surprising. Felix describes Kepler as:

"The aim is to put all 11 balls inside the enclosure, then insert the lid. A pocket-sized packing puzzle that seems very simple, until it isn't."

The puzzle is not solved until all eleven balls are in the container with the lid flush against the opening.

Precision machined from solid aluminum and brass, Kepler weighs 155g (.34 lbs) and measures 55mm x 31mm x 33mm, in the solved state. The brass is left unfinished, leaving it to slowly patinate and darken with use. Felix rates the difficulty as 6/10”

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