Sunday, January 30, 2022

Yard Schtick by Kelly Snache

This wonderful PuzzleBox is the second in a Limited Edition release from Kel using vintage wood yardsticks from days gone by.

In 2017 Kel first offered me the first in this series called ‘Pinch an inch’, of course I jumped at the chance to acquire this entire run of 10 puzzleboxes.

Please see my initial blog about his first release.  ‘Pinch an Inch’

Here’s Kel’s description of this 2nd offering:

“Yard Schtick - Design #2/10.  Made from 2 vintage yard sticks.  

There are 3 knobs and 3 buttons and only one way in.  

An interesting concept I worked through was making it so that the two faces are removable, hmmm.

I think it's more of a challenge coming up with the puzzle's name, lol, and now only 8 more designs to go!”

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