Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sloot 3 - Alfons Eyckmans by CubicDissection

This is another recent puzzle acquisition that is perfectly crafted from Wenge by Eric!  Of course everyone knows that Alfons designs are some of the most diabolical puzzles and this one is no exception, overall a wonderful puzzle.

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“Another brilliant design by Mr. Eyckmans, "Sloot" means "ditch" in Dutch, a reference to the slots on the sides of this unque puzzle. Taking the six piece board burr to another level, Sloot features a very difficult level 16.6.4 unique solution. The interplay created with asymmetrical stick dimensions, the inner tabs and the outer slot means this puzzle moves entirely unexpected ways! Shipped assembled, disassmbly alone is a formidable task.

55 copies made for sale, each signed and dated.

Puzzle Pusher wrote a very great blog review of this puzzle”

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