Monday, March 14, 2022

Apollo by Osanori Yamamoto

I blogged about this puzzle several years ago but it was crafted by Pelikan so I thought I’d revisit it here now crafted by Osanori.

 Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“The Apollo is another delight from the mind of Osanori Yamamoto. It consists of 3 shapes straddling a wooden frame to make the shape of a rocket (hence the name). Only 3 pieces in the frame? Easy? Not really! As with many of Osanori's puzzles, this requires several rotational moves to remove the pieces which makes it a nice fun challenge. It is not as tough as the others in this release but certainly requires a fair bit of thought to figure out where to move them so that rotations are possible and then work out which direction to turn. It did not take me very long but there is a very nice Aha! moment when discovering a rather unexpected position to do the rotations and also another fun challenge working out the reassembly after scrambling and leaving the pieces.”

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