Saturday, March 5, 2022

Fleur-De-Lis by Tracy Wood Clemons

I normally don’t blog about PuzzleBoxes but felt the need to write about this gorgeous piece by Tracy!

The amount of work that went into this project seems absurdly high and the fact that it’s a Sequencial Discovery Puzzle Box makes it very special.

In case you’re not familiar with Tracy’s work I highly recommend visiting ‘Boxes & Booze’ blog for more detailed info.

You can reach out to Tracy on Facebook or drop me a message for contact info.

Here’s Tracy’s description:

 “This this is my newest sequential discovery puzzle. 

My new puzzle design needs no tapping shaking or spinning.

The handcrafted fleur-de-lis may captivate your eyes!

Don't let its beauty fool you or it's weird shape!

For you need to release her secret of three!

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