Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tribute to Prague Spring - Bill Darrah by Pelikan - IPP 28 Prague Exchange

I’d like to dedicate this blog to the Ukraine and really hope that their torment doesn’t continue and hopefully they see a swift end to Russia’s assault on their freedom!

This is a 4x4x4 packing puzzle with 24 solutions while only one features a spiral pattern created by contrasting woods.

This is an excellent design by Bill and nicely crafted by Pelikan using Maple and Dark Oak.

Here’s the commemoration tribute sheet that was included with the puzzle.

“The Spiral Group Tribute to Prague Spring:

In the spring of 1968, the leader of the soviet satellite country of Czechoslovakia introduced modest reforms of their repressive system.

Soviet officials feared such ideas would lead to widespread abandonment of soviet principles and responded in august with a massive and bloody invasion.

Forty years later, the ‘Prague Spring’ as the reforms were soon called and the reaction by the hard-line soviets are recognized as precursors to the fall of the soviet system and the spread of freedom throughout Eastern Europe.

This puzzle is a recognition of these momentous events.  The four decades are marked by four spring shaped pieces, which combine with the others to form a cube coloured with a helical pattern.”

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