Monday, May 23, 2022

Peg Pile by Brian Menold at Wood Wonders - Ukraine Fundraiser

Brian has graciously offered up the sale proceeds from this cool puzzle as a fundraiser for Ukraine, please don’t hesitate and head on over to Wood Wonders to grab a copy or several for your friends.

Here’s Brian’s description:

“I will be donating the proceeds from this puzzle to Ukraine Red Cross. This is one of my own designs and I featured it in my book a while back. I upped the ante here and made it 8 planks instead of 6. Size: 4" x 4" x 1" ( 10.1cm x 10.1cm x 5.1cm)

Two versions available. The version with all white planks is much harder.

Get all 16 pegs through the holes on both levels of planks.”

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