Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Climburr - Christoph Lohe - Ken Irvine - Andrew Crowell by Mat Nedeljko


I couldn’t pass up the chance to acquire this terrific puzzle collaboration between Cristoph, Ken and Andrew.

Mat’s craftsmanship is superb on this one so when more become available, I highly recommend you snatch one up for your collection.

Here’s Mat’s description from Nedeljko Woodworks:

“Climburr is a very special collaborative design effort by Chris Lohe, Ken Irvine and Andrew Crowell.  Building upon the previous  designs by Chris that featured three sticks in a 5x5x5 cage Chamburr and Cyburr this design is on a whole new level. 

Here is what Chris says about it: 

"Climburr is not really a 5x5x5 framed puzzle any more. In order to
disable an early shortcut it requires an odd angled cut in the frame,
and two angled cuts in one of the three Burr sticks. It pays back by a
50+ level for the first stick, many required rotations, and a really
fantastic solving sequence. The beauty of that puzzle is not in the
outer appearance but in the complexity which can be achieved with only
three burr sticks, if you stretch the concept to the limit. The puzzle
is very difficult to disassemble and reassemble."

Beautifully crafted from Chechen and Maple. Lacquered and waxed. Ships assembled.”

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