Friday, July 15, 2022

Akaki’s Picnic - Akaki Kuumeri by CubicDissection


This puzzle features what I would consider some of Eric’s finest craftsmanship!

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“Akaki's Picnic is a wonderfully creative Packing Puzzle. The goal is to pack each 3x3 cube into the Picnic Basket so that all pieces are flush. Assembling the cubes outside the basket is trivial; the challenge comes when you try to fill the container. The handle of the basket blocks your progress, causing you to analyze the situation and think outside the box.

Akaki named the cubes after different foods you might find at a picnic. Each has a unique solution, representing a range of difficulties. We have chosen three of the more challenging cubes for this release. Each cube has four pieces and requires rotations:

Egg has a level solution

Sandwich has a level solution

Wine has a level solution

Akaki also 3D prints this puzzle, and we collaborated so that the pieces interchange with our release. Collectors can order individual cubes from his Etsy Shop and solve them using our wood basket.

Akaki's Picnic release was made using labor-intensive joinery techniques and some of our finest exotic wood stock. The basket is solid Zebrawood with a beautiful striped figure reminiscent of a woven picnic basket. The handle is secured to the basket with robust notched joinery, with the top braced with a shoulder joint. The Egg cube uses Figured Birch, Fruit is from dark red Bloodwood, and Sandwich from a dense plank of Jatoba.

Approximately 90 copies are available. Each puzzle is signed and dated.”

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