Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Squary Pack No.7 by Yavuz Demirhan


This cool packing puzzle is the seventh design in this series.  This is my first experience with this series so can’t really comment on it’s difficulty level compared to any of the others but it’s certainly not trivial.  Yavuz’s craftsmanship is certainly top notch!

Here’s an excerpt from ‘Five Sinatras Blog’ about this series:

“Some puzzles push out into their own territory, their movements and solution sitting somewhere amidst or between those that already exist. Yavuz Demirhan’s Squary Pack series is a great example of such a design: they are 2D/3D packing sliders that require you to navigate four dual-leveled pieces through a restricted one-piece-size opening at the center of the space to cover the bottom of the square box. The pieces are all flat-bottomed, with various voxels of different dimensions further complicating the solution, requiring you to slide your pieces around as you attempt to find a way to insert whichever piece needs to go in last; some of the series are further encumbered by blocks affixed to the box. You need to get all pieces in with the blocks facing up and you will find varying degrees of difficulty identifying where and when in the dance of pieces you can insert the final pieces.”

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