Thursday, September 22, 2022

Ball Room - Stewart Coffin Design #197-A by Andy Manvell - IPP 25 Helsinki Exchange

Designing puzzles using spheres opens up a plethora of different elements, Stewart has created many versions over his career but this one has a cool charm to it and Andy did a very nice job on the box with lid.

Stewart wrote:

“This is a variation of Under Cover #197

using balls instead of edge-beveled cubes.

The four pieces pack into a cubic box, make a square pyramid pile that fits in the cover, and with one piece left out

form a tetrahedral pile.”

Note there are three challenges described in the box:

Problem #1. Fit the four pieces

into the cover to form a square

pyramid. Two solutions.

Problem #2. Use three of the

pieces to form a tetrahedral pile

inside the box. Two solutions.

Probiem #3. Fit all four pieces

inside the box. Three solutions.

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