Thursday, September 15, 2022

Six Key Mine - Robert Rose by Bits and Pieces

Years ago Bits and Pieces had a great reputation for stocking nicely crafted puzzles that had no longer been available from the original designer/craftsman.

Many of their ‘reproductions’ were really quite nicely made and available at a very reasonable price point.

This particular puzzle is certainly from that era and one that I was happy to acquire.

Here’s an excerpt from Jerry’s Blog:

“The Six Key Mine puzzle was designed by the late Robert Rose who sadly passed away several years ago. This puzzle won 1st prize in the 2003 IPP Puzzle Design Competition.  It is one of the more unusual looking all-metal puzzles in the sense that it is neither squarish, rectangular, cylindrical nor just a sphere per se (like the Isis).  Rather the puzzle consists of a polished aluminium hollowed-out sphere or ball with six aluminium pegs inserted into its sides, which gives it an almost alien UFO kind of look. The original version by Robert Rose was also made entirely of aluminium except that the pegs there were anodized red instead of powder coated blue, as it is in my version which was made by Bits & Pieces.  Bits & Pieces also re-named the puzzle "Einstein"; as to why this is so I can't figure out. My puzzle is well made and of good quality. The pegs fit properly into their respective holes and can even be adjusted with a small screwdriver to either have a very snug or slightly looser fit.”

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