Saturday, October 15, 2022

Gear Box by Jean-Claude Constantin


Constantin does very cool gear mechanisms and this one features a whack of them!

Here’s a description from Puzzlemaster:

“A hefty-sized puzzle box made by Jean-Claude Constantin!  Three rows with 4 gears each that are all connected and turn in sync.  It has an acrylic top which acts as a place-holder that must lifted off in order to start rotating the gears, and can only be re-positioned when the gears are in the original starting position.  There are 4 acrylic sliders that can be moved when the slots on the gears are aligned correctely. 

The puzzle is a quarternary, which requires many sequential movements in order to open the box.  As you can see from the slotted grooves on the gears, there are many different combinations, and it is very difficult to find the right one.  Once you have opened the box, it is only considered solved once the box is closed, the gears reset and the lid replaced on top. 

Made in laser-cut wood and acrylic.”

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