Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Peanut - Stewart Coffin Design #67 by Mark McCallum

Mark recently finished up a run of 25 copies that he had been meticulously crafting from some of his exotic woods accumulated over many years.

If you were lucky enough to acquire one of these beautiful puzzles from Mark then you now have what I consider to be the finest puzzle ever crafted!

As many know I stumbled my way through some of Stewart’s designs over the years but none ever achieved the needed level of perfection that Mark is known for.  

The Peanut design is one of Stewart’s designs that requires incredible accuracy that unless the pieces are spot on you won’t be able to fit them into the large assortment of configurations.

Back in 2006 I made a small run of several of Stewart’s designs using 1/2” stock that I had on hand, here’s a pic of the one lone puzzle that I kept for my wife Barb.

Here’s an assortment of pics of Mark’s gorgeous Peanut puzzles:

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