Friday, March 24, 2023

Circles and Squares by Tom Lensch

This type of puzzle is one that I remember playing with as a kid, of course they were usually plastic, purchased at the local convenience store.  IPP founder Jerry Slocum wrote a comprehensive book about this venerable puzzle.  Puzzlemaster has copies available.

As you can see from Tom’s description below, he made a really slick dual sided variant using Circles & Squares to ramp up the difficulty level, the sliding of the pieces are so smooth and the puzzle is a lot of fun instantly bringing me back to those childhood days..

“C&S is a two sided puzzle and you will see that it is in the format of the traditional 15 puzzle which I am sure most of you have. 

Solving the squares on one side mixes up the circles on the other side, and vice versa.  Your problem is, where to start. As you can see in the photos there is no indication of which piece will go in a corner for a starting point as is in the 15 puzzle where number 1 goes in the upper left corner.”

Tom made my version with a Walnut (Mahogany Dark or Light were also available) frame with laser inscribed ‘circles’ on one side with ‘squares’ on the other.

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