Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sensi-Box by Alfons Eyckmans

This is a very nice puzzle by Alfons, as you can see from his description it was a variation of Goh Pit Khiam’s ‘B-Box/Reactor’ (which was co-developed by Eric Fuller) it also features a smaller puzzle that can be nested inside of the larger puzzle box similar to Pit’s ‘Reactor’.

I must say I’ve never really quite got the gist of ‘Nary’ puzzles and after moving things around with this one I still can’t seem to grasp the pattern of moves?

It wasn’t until I attempted to disassemble the smaller ‘Sensi’ puzzle that I realized just how many moves there are to this smaller burr.  Burrtools shows a rather lengthy!

As Alfons makes a note of below the ‘Sensi Box’ can be taken apart in a shorter 8 move count of however it can be set at a monstrous level move count of:


Here’s Alfons description:

“25 Piece puzzle "Sensi-Box"

This is a variant of the B-box of Goh Pit Khiam.

This is two puzzles, to remove the first piece 321 moves, for the puzzle "Sensi" inside 56 moves for the first piece, the total moves of the two puzzles is 418.

You can also put the box puzzle together that it takes only 8 moves.”

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