Saturday, November 11, 2023

4 Directions by Mat Nedeljko

I received my copy of Mat’s ‘4 Directions’ which marks his foray into Japanese style puzzle boxes, what first struck me was its size, (it’s very reminiscent of Eric Fuller’s work RIP).

As most know Mat is an accomplished puzzle craftsman and has since taken seminars with Master Puzzle Box Craftsman Kagen Sound!

This is an absolutely gorgeous puzzle box that offers up four separate challenges of varying degrees of difficulty.  Trust me when I say that you will regret not picking up this piece for your collection, Mat currently still has a few available of a rather small batch of 30.

My copy is #23

Please drop by Boxes & Booze’s to read a more in depth write up!

Here’s Mat’s description from Nedeljko Woodworks:

“4 Directions is the first Japanese style puzzle box designed and crafted by me!  It has been in the design/prototype/testing and production mode for the past year and is now finally ready for release. This is a pull up style of puzzle box, where the goal is to open the box by moving the slider and the lid while navigating the hidden maze in order to free the lid. There are four separate challenges, North (Level 14), South (Level 19), East (Level 21)  and West(Level 28). This puzzle is finely crafted from gorgeous golden brown Mahogany with Poplar as the secondary wood. Hand rubbed to a high gloss and silky smooth surface finish.”

Presentation Box is made from:

Frame is Bird’s Eye Maple

Sleeve is Yellowheart (removable)

Slipfeathers are Wenge

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