Wednesday, December 13, 2023

CM-43 - Stephane Chomine by Maurice Vigouroux

I happened to notice one of Maurice’s listings in Paradise for ‘CM-44’ and immediately purchased it, however that particular puzzle was unavailable and I was kindly offered this one instead so as anyone can imagine I was stoked!

This happened to be a personal copy that Maurice made previously so I was very pleased that he was willing to part with it.

This design by Stephane features 6 burr pieces (Padauk) and 6 sliders (Purpleheart) in a frame (Sipo) with a level move count of  This one had me stumped as there are some very odd early moves early on (very reminiscent of a lock picking technique) that I just couldn’t wrap my head around!

Be sure to drop by Puzzle Paradise to see what Maurice has to offer, (his username is ‘Tangram’) as he appears to be parting with some of his personal puzzle builds.

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