Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Burr Lock “E” - Christoph Lohe by CubicDissection

Wow, this puzzle is not only a great design by Christoph but Eric went above and beyond with beautiful craftsmanship!  Almost all of the mitered joints are reinforced with contrasting slipfeathers!

Here's Eric's description from Cubicdissection:

“I've been in communication with Christoph for ages regarding these locks. This is design E; several earlier iterations were discarded because the solution was ruined by unintended rotational shortcuts. He kept at the design though, and I'm glad he did because he finally came up with a big winner! Burr Lock E has two separate solutions depending on the orientation of the key. The vertical orientation is level 26 and the horizontal level 13 incuding rotations. A very fun, very challenging puzzle!

Construction of this puzzle is superlative. Everything really came together with this one...fit is perfect and the reinforcing splines and unconventional cage joinery make this a real gem, made from Honduran Mahogany, Ash and Bocote”

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