Saturday, February 19, 2022

Frankenstar by George Bell

George comes up with some really interesting and confusing puzzle designs and this one is a great example of co-ordinate motion.

As usual with co-mo designs placement of your fingers make all the difference in your success or failure in opening the puzzle.  Once you’ve got it apart the real fun begins as you almost need an extra set of hands to reassemble it.

Here’s George’s description from his Etsy Shop:

“This puzzle appears to be made from random leftover parts, yet miraculously they can be assembled into a perfect star. Frankenstar can be difficult to get apart, please give the pieces a soft landing or tips can break off. Assembly is the real challenge, the pieces are confusing and the puzzle has many incorrect assemblies (see the final photo). Then you will run into the final challenge, which can be quite frustrating.”

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