Saturday, March 4, 2023

Cryptic PuzzleBox #1 by Cryptic Puzzles

I recently got a copy of this very nicely printed puzzlebox by Cryptic Puzzleboxes, as you quickly notice a key can be retrieved from the box, now it’s up to the solver to decipher the next steps to open this cool looking puzzlebox.

Here’s what the maker had to say:

“Puzzle Box No. 1 is the first in a series of puzzle boxes I am currently designing.
This puzzle box requires 16 steps to solve. The final chamber is 60mm wide and 70mm tall.

It is assembled using over 60 3D printed parts plus various screws and magnets.
The assembly instructions include detailed drawings, a listing of 3D printed parts, and additional hardware required.
Printing all of the parts requires nearly 1Kg of filament.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel Cryptic Puzzles to get notified when more designs are released.”

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