Saturday, May 20, 2023

Cluster Puzzle by Engineer BrunS

I was thrilled to find out that Andriy had come up with a new puzzle design and quickly ordered up my copy.

As I’m sure most know how demoralizing his situation is with regards to the savage attack on his home in the Ukraine from the Russian invasion.  It still seems inconceivable that he’s able to create such impressive puzzles on his lathe/mill amongst such brutal conditions, I’m in awe of such bravery!

Here’s Andriy’s description from his store:

“New puzzle, which look impossible at first sight.

Main task: disassembly and assembly this puzzle behind marked line(all parts must be fixed, line - not covered, all threads must be screwed to the end).

At first look, you just need to combinate holes and pins on spacers, but everything is not soo easy...

3 steps puzzle

lvl. 2 in our gradation

Material: aluminium and brass.”

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