Saturday, October 28, 2023

Turtles by Pelikan

I missed this release when it first appeared at Pelikan but thankfully a fellow collector was willing to part with his copy.  This diminutive puzzle is Jakub’s interpretation of a Turtle(s) in a Kumiki style offering.  I was so enthralled by this little guy(s) that I decided to make a little box to house it/them, lol.

My copy is #34 of 50

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“This one is very cute. Jakub decided that he wanted to turn his hand to puzzle design himself and created something delightful. Turtles reminds me of the Bison puzzle from Xmas 2021 – it is a sequentially interlocking puzzle created from Wenge and Acacia. The secret is to find the way to remove the first piece and then it will serially disassemble. In the end you are left with a bunch of rather interesting pieces and a genuine laugh out loud moment when you suddenly realise what the guys have done. When I showed Mrs S, even she was delighted with the end result. It is not a difficult puzzle but it is genuinely delightful.”

Box is Canarywood with Peruvian Walnut sleeve with Walnut top & bottom and Wenge slipfeathers.

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