Sunday, April 25, 2021

Blah Box - Eric Fuller by Cubicdissection

Another great puzzlebox by Eric, his designs always shine a light on his ingenuity!

Here's his description below, as always check out Cubicdissection to see what's available:

Blah Box is the result of the accumulation of ideas I had while trying to design a simple mechanism for the box containing the DDD Burr Puzzle. I wanted to make a simple trick opening mechanism for DDD, but in the end, discarded the idea because it would overly increase the price of the puzzle. I came out of the design session with some solid ideas, which, when combined, turned into a rather interesting box on their own. I was feeling rather "Blah" about my failure with DDD and decided to name this new box after that feeling.

No external tools are allowed. No bumping, spinning, or force is necessary or allowed.

Reviews: FiveSinatra's Blog.

34 copies available for this release, each signed and dated. 15 copies in Black Limba and Maple, 12 copies in Zebrawood and Maple, 8 copies in Iroko and Holly were made for this release. This puzzle is shipped assembled. This is the final release of Blah Box for the foreseeable future

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