Friday, October 15, 2021

Cubie Burr - Bill Cutler - 2001 by Tom Lensch

This clever design simply amazes me with only three pieces yet quite tricky to assemble!  Tom has used some gorgeous Canarywood and Walnut along with Cherry on the interior.

Bill did exhaustive research on 6-Piece burrs, you can see more about it on his reference page:

Here’s Bill’s Description, be sure to drop by his website to see what’s available:

“The basic design is that of a 3-piece burr GigaBurr which has been expanded to a 5x5x5 cube by gluing on edge and corner pieces. A complete computer analysis of all such designs was run over the winter of 2000-2001. The highest level found in this analysis is 6. (For comparison the highest level for a 3-piece burr is 8.) Three different level-6 disassembly sequences were found.

This was my souvenir puzzle at the 21st International Puzzle Party”

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