Thursday, October 14, 2021

Vega - Stewart Coffin #46 by Mat Nedeljko

Mat offered this beautifully made puzzle in his latest release and of course I simply couldn’t pass it up!  I made many different wood variants of Stewart’s ‘Vega’ design years ago and they simply display so well.  They are quite easy to assemble in the typical ‘Coffin’ fashion by assembling two halves (with tails pointing in opposite directions) and then sliding them together.  They display beautifully!

(I have added a few photos of copies that I made somewhere around 2005/2006)

(I have added a few photos of copies that I made somewhere around 2005/2006)

I strongly advise you to grab any of Mat’s work at his website Nedeljko WoodWorks

Here’s Mat’s Description:

“Vega consists of six identical symmetrical pieces made up of nicely contrasting Maple and Bubinga hardwoods.  Assembly requires a typical Stewart Coffin arrangement of two halves that slide together. Once assembled, this puzzle forms  an interesting shape that is intermediate between the second and third stellation of the rhombic dodecahedron. With its twelve points and regal stature of approx 6" diameter, this puzzle definitely commands attention and is sure to be a statement piece in any collection. The edges and points on this puzzle are left intentionally sharp so handle with care! This puzzle is shipped disassembled in order to protect the sharp tips as much as possible during shipping.”

Here’s Stewart’s Description:

“This one is easy to assemble by mating two mirror-image halves of three pieces each, and is more a fancy wood sculpture rather than a bona fide puzzle. 

I always made it in two contrasting woods. The small dark blocks added to the ends did not require much wood, so it was a good way to display expensive or rare woods in 

short supply. The six pieces are identical and symmetrical. The geometric shape could be described as intermediate between the second and third stellations of the rhombic dodecahedron.”

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