Friday, November 5, 2021

Four-Piece Serially Interlocking Cube - Stewart Coffin by Tom Lensch

This design is my favourite Coffin Cube design.  I have made so many of these puzzles starting early in 2000.  I was always tinkering with scale, wood type, shape, Color scheme, etc..

More recently Tom Lensch was asked to make some with a ‘Banded’ pattern that I had made years ago, so of course I just had to get a copy.

Tom beautifully crafted his version from East Indian Rosewood and Maple!  Bottom pic is my earlier version.

I also just made a ‘Checkered’ version along with a two-piece stand:

Here’s what Stewart wrote:

“Now more than sixty years after fashioning the Mikusiński Cube from wood scraps, dissections of 

 the  3x3x3 cube continue to fascinate me, but especially those that interlock. Better still, with all dissimilar non-symmetrical pieces. Is such a five-piece version possible? I doubt it, after having searched for years. I have designed several that come close, but most use a piece or two that is symmetrical, such as a single block key. A four-piece version that satisfies all of these requirements can also be entertaining. Here is one.”

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